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what they said

“ ...Mind Blowing!!!!.” 

Bibi Dedans

Dear Sheikh. I cannot thank you enough for such an amazing and thorough course. I will recommend to family and friends.  May Allah reward you . I am extremely satisfied and it was well worth the fees

Aisha Barakatullah

Jazakum Allah khairan Shaikh Abdur Raheem. This course has got me ACTING.

Amir Rizvi

Home: Welcome

Limited offer for founding members!

lifetime membership £750

yearly £104.50

or £9.50 per calendar month

Real change begins with the way you think. Your mindset.

Do you believe that everything about people is fixed? 

That people are either "gifted" or not, they either have it or they don't, or do you believe everyone can grow and learn and improve and change for the better?


Understanding the importance of having a growth mindset is the key to all transformation.


Heroes know that they can effort and time and application Allah will help them.


The transformational mindset course is made up of 5 videos:

  • the myth of talent

  • change is the reality

  • mindsets in leadership

  • mindsets in love and relationships

  • fixed and growth mindsets



The true hero's journey is one of knowledge. That is in fact its essence.

True, deep and profound knowledge, but such insights do not come easily.

Knowledge is from the greatest of treasures you can have and seeking it is a must!

It's a path to paradise and your journey of self mastery is one of learning and application.

There are effective techniques you can use not only to STUDY but importantly UNDERSTAND and RECALL what you learn, and the strange this is that you are almost never taught how to learn! 

This course will change that.


This transformational course consists of five modules:

  • How long to learn anything?

  • Effective and Efficient learning

  • Fast Track your learning

  • Overcome Procrastination

  • Key Tips


Knowing how to resist temptation  is one the hero's greatest strengths.


Here you will learn to build your "I will" power:


Willpower is defined as your ability to delay other words how good are you at not giving in to your desires and impulses?

Having strong willpower is a key to success and you can strengthen and build it but knowing how is neither particularity easy or intuitive. That's why its been called the GREATEST struggle! I can be done and if you follow my step by step course you'll be well on your way to becoming a willpower wonder. 

The Seven Pillars of Willpower course is the heart of your transformation.

It contains 21 videos as well as quizzes, student notes and full transcripts.


The Seven Pillars of Willpower are:

  • Willpower is Limited

  • Know your triggers

  • Understanding Dopamine

  • C.A.T (counter ambush training)

  • The Infection Effect

  • Managing Stress

  • Surf the Urge



Patience is one of the most vital virtues that we need.

Four videos cover important points in respect to patience in times of ease as well as hardship.

Evil effect of sins

The true hero's journey of one of truth and justice.

Willpower is nothing except a battle between good and evil, right and wrong.

Nothing weakens your willpower as much as sin, because sin by definition is a willpower failure.

It's actually easier to GIVE UP sins than it is to sincerely repent from them.

Included is a 20 minuet video of essential insights into this important issue.


I believe that this will be one of the best and most important online training programs that you will ever do. The knowledge here is essential for every Muslim, in fact every human being (as one of the course students pointed out). Seeking knowledge is being on the path to paradise, so really this is priceless. Your buying this course will help this knowledge grow and spread inshallah.

My goal is for every one of you to be truly transformed by the learning experience and for it to set you firmly on the journey of self mastery. The main course "The 7 Pillars of Willpower" contains short but powerful videos followed by some practical applications that YOU NEED TO APPLY!

Don't delay. Don't procrastinate. Start as you mean to go on and GET IT DONE!

YOU CAN DO IT!YOU WILL DO IT, inshallah!Changing yourself is a CHALLANGE! It's massive in fact. I can't ever promise that it will be easy but what I have done is to make the information as accessible and easy to follow as possible. My commitment is that if it doesn't work for you have my 30 DAY NO QUIBBLE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! 

What's included (at the moment!)

..and there is lots more to come in development as you read this.

The Journey of the true hero

Throughout history the art of the hero was not left to chance.  

It was taught, learnt studied and mastered. In every culture and in every age there have been heroes and the their journey is remarkably the same.

In the course you will discover the basic parts of the heroes journey and we will look at the greatest hero of all time, the Prophet Mohammed saws to see how understanding his life can transform ours also.

Embracing the inner struggle on the path to true happiness

The true hero's journey is in fact a journey inside ones self to achieve self mastery. Many demons and monsters are fought along the way. 

This course will go through the inner battle against ourselves and you will understand what true happiness really is.

Learning from elite athletes, business and religious leaders you will learn what it takes to get to the top and be the best you can be. It is in fact ihsan.

Mind of a Champion

How to be a legend

Everyone wants to be famous..right? Maybe not everyone. 

There are sheep.

Then there are the everyday true heros.

Then there are legends.

How can you be a true legend?

The truth might surprise you.

This is just a small sample of the planned content for this site, but there is much, much more. This about growing a group of like minded people who can help and advance each other as well as the world in which they live.

Sign up to find out more.

The Shield of Taqwa

What is a hero if he or she is not mindful of God. How do you build your shield and wield it. The sheild of taqwa

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